a r s L a b
A Self-Registration Module
  What is arsLab?  
arsLab is a small module written in PHP with MySQL as back-end to allow users to register themselves to an event. I wrote it since I needed to register 260 people to a computer lab, and had to do it manually. arsLab will allow you to define the lab/event, and allow people to register themselves through a web interface.
You can view a snapshot of the admin interface, and of Lab Registration Dialog

You can now view arsLab's documentation online.
  Is it Free?  
Yes. arsLab is released under GPL. You can get it at SourceForge.
There is only one thing you'll have to invest, and that's writing your own login function. Since arsLab was written as a module, it uses outside authentication. See the README file in the distribution.
  News & Updates  
- Jul 24th 2004:   Version 1.4 Released. Also added online documentation
- Jul 14th 2004:   Version 1.4 to be released soon, admin screenshot updated from that version
- Jan 23th 2003:   Version 1.2 Released
- March 13th 2002:   Version 1.0 Released
  Contact Info  
- HomePage:     http://arsLab.SourceForge.net/
- SourceForge:   http://www.SourceForge.net/projects/arsLab/
- Email:      dan.a@hotpop.com
SourceForge Logo Last Updated: Jul 24th 2004